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篇名 「筆籙」鉤沉:明清扶乩的一個子類型
卷期 221
並列篇名 Rediscovering the “Brush Register”: A Sub-Type of Spirit-Writing during the Ming and Qing Dynasties
作者 胡劼辰
頁次 031-080
關鍵字 筆籙扶乩文昌科舉帝制晚期中國brush registerspirit-writingWenchangcivil service examinationslate imperial ChinaTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202309




The practice of “brush register” (bilu 筆籙) or “brush recording” (bilu 筆錄) writing was popular in late imperial China as a sub-type of spirit-writing (fuji) in the broad sense of the term, with practitioners not needing to rely on a stylus and sand but directly recording revelations on paper instead. This practice was closely related to the Wenchang cult and civil service examination culture. Initially used for practicing eight-legged essays used in the exams, bilu was later developed by some practitioners as a means of receiving scriptures at Wenchang altars. The purpose of this paper is to collect and collate relevant materials in order to rediscover this long-neglected religious practice. The paper’s opening section focuses on narrative accounts found in anecdotal notes and novels in an attempt to recover core elements of brush register writing. The second section focuses on specific cases of brush register practitioners, while the third analyzes several types of ritual manuals used as guidance for this practice. Based on the above analysis, it is hoped that this paper will provide an overview of brush register practices and an indication of their niche in the spectrum of spirit-writing.
