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篇名 檔案裡看不到的抗爭者-以後勁反五輕運動為例(1987-1990)
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 Unseen Protesters in Archives: A Case Study of the Anti-5th Naphtha Cracker Movement in Houjin, Kaohsiung (1987-1990)
作者 張庭榕
頁次 096-105
關鍵字 高雄後勁環境運動檔案Houjin Kaohsiungenvironmental movementarchives
出刊日期 202306




The goal of this study is to find different aspects of the Anti-5th Naphtha Cracker Environmental Movement in the Houjin area of Kaohsiung city by reorganizing the historical data. Furthermore, there are many unseen protesters in the movement needed to be discovered. To rethink the movement from the perspective of these unseen protesters could give us new discussions. This study also compares the official archives and folk records to discover the differences between these documents. In addition, the late 1980s was the time when Taiwanese folk records began to sprout, such as green groups, NGOs, private newspapers, etc. This study also wants to use this case to consider whether the archives are sufficient to present a complete picture of history.
