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篇名 抗戰時期「國家總動員會議」之組織與運作(1942-1945)
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 The Organization and Operation of the National General Mobilization Council in Wartime China (1942-1945)
作者 余以澄
頁次 078-095
關鍵字 國家總動員體制國家總動員會議戰時體制行政運作限價政策National General Mobilization SystemNational General Mobilization Councilwartime systemadministrative operationprice control policy
出刊日期 202306




The National General Mobilization Council was established in 1942, which was a special institution of the National Government in China. It convened important departments of government to draw up mobilization policies. As the war progressed, it expanded to an economic cabinet and focused on the price control policies. This paper focuses on the organization and operation of the National General Mobilization Council, which was closely related to the cooperation among government departments, and the changing of administrative operation system and Chiang Kai-Shek’s personal power. Those issues help us understand the features of the National General Mobilization System in wartime China.
