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篇名 以本土非木本植物纖維原料-月桃葉鞘纖維研製修護用手工紙
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 The Development of Handmade Paper for Restoration Work: Using Leaf Sheath Fiber from Domestic Non-woody Plant Shell Ginger
作者 夏滄琪李盈緻
頁次 038-049
關鍵字 月桃手工紙棉紙宣紙修護用紙Alpinia zerumbet handmade papermien paperxuan paperpaper for restoration
出刊日期 202306


本研究探討非木本植物月桃(Alpinia zerumbet)之葉鞘纖維作為手工修護用紙之可行性。藉由組合不同紙漿原料配比,研製2種手工修護用紙(配比A、配比B,基重皆為30 g/m²)。依據國家標準CNS1354、CNS13078、CNS1466試驗法,進行紙張抗張強度、耐折度、白度等性質測定,並將紙樣分別進行乾熱(105℃)、溼熱(85℃、85% RH)之劣化試驗。試驗結果顯示劣化前,紙張強度以配比B最佳,其次依序為配比A及市售修護用紙;吸水度及平滑度亦以配比B最佳。劣化後之結果顯示,配比B紙張力學性質優於配比A及市售修護用紙;自製月桃紙之白度及吸水度下降趨勢,與市售修護用紙相近;且添加溼強劑之配比B-2為最佳製漿條件。期望本研究開發之月桃修護用紙,為國內手工紙廠提供本土原料、降低生產成本,藉由其穩定性可為書畫及檔案修護用紙,提供優質新選擇。


This study investigates the feasibility of using leaf sheath fiber from non-woody plant shell ginger (Alpinia zerumbet) as handmade paper for restoration work. By combining different raw materials of paper pulp, two types of handmade paper (type A and type B, basis weight 30g/m²) were developed. Tensile strength, folding resistance, whiteness, and other properties of paper were tested according to method of test CNS1354, CNS13078, and CNS1466. Along with papers already on the market, these samples were subjected to accelerated aging tests of dry heat (105°C) and humid heat (85°C, 85%RH). The test results showed the paper strength of type B was the best before aging, followed by type A and commercially available papers. Water absorption and smoothness of type B were also the best. After accelerated aging process, the results showed that the mechanical properties of type B were better than type A and commercially available papers. The decline trend of whiteness and water absorption of both handmade papers were similar to commercially available papers. In addition, type B-2 with additional wet strength agents worked the best. This study expectes that the development of the shell ginger leaf sheath fiber paper will provide domestic handmade paper mills an option of local materials and reduce production costs. With its stability, it can be a new choice of high-quality paper for calligraphy, painting and archival restoration.
