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篇名 展望Archives of Taiwan Music-從借鑒國際經驗與自我檢視做起
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 The Prospect of Archives of Taiwan Music - Starting to Learn from Foreign Experiences and Self-inspection
作者 黃均人
頁次 006-017
關鍵字 檔案與音樂音樂數位典藏影音檔案齊聚雲端archives and musicmusic digital archivesaudiovisual archivescrowd in the cloud
出刊日期 202306


「臺灣音樂檔案(Archives of Taiwan Music, ATM)」是臺灣音樂檔案建設的終極目標。本文以國立臺灣師範大學音樂數位典藏中心多年來推動相關工作所遭遇的問題與省思,從音樂檔案的特質、類別與歷史,以及國際音樂典藏社群的實務經驗,來討論如何借鑒這些經驗。在做法上,可從現況評估與檢討來擬定一套針對人員、方法與設備的自我檢視準則,找出不足之處,進而提出改善方案,目的是期盼ATM建設可以獲得國際音樂典藏專家認可,以確保臺灣珍貴音樂史料的永續與安全。


To construct Archives of Taiwan Music (ATM) is the ultimate goal of developing Taiwan’s music archives. Based on the reflections and problems encountered by the Digital Archive Center for Music at NTNU over the years, this paper aims to discuss how to learn from the features, classifications and history of music archives, as well as experiences of international music archive communities. Also, it discusses how to create a guideline of self-inspection for personnel, method and equipment from the evaluation and reflection of current situation in order to identify weaknesses and propose an improvement plan. The construction of ATM is expected to be recognized by international music archive experts to ensure the sustainability and safety of Taiwan’s precious historical materials of music.
