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篇名 探討感知服務之模式研究
卷期 51
並列篇名 Exploring the model research of perception service
作者 李旭華宋慧君郭駿邑
頁次 149-174
關鍵字 服務服務品質社交媒體感知服務Serviceservice qualitysocial mediaperception service
出刊日期 202306




The purpose of this research is to enable computers to perceive the surrounding environment and information like humans through technical means. Perception services can cover a variety of fields, such as: computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, motion perception, etc. Through perception services, computers can receive and understand information from the outside world, which can be information from sensors, networks, or other data sources. Results: Good service quality can relatively improve people’s quality of life. This study summarizes the meaning of service and service quality through literature review. Due to the rapid development of technology, the Internet has become a part of life. Therefore, the literature the third section of the review will discuss services in social media and summarize and analyze these service methods. Conclusion: In today’s competitive environment, good service quality reflects good service presentation, so it is suggested that the industry should be more committed to improving good service quality.
