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篇名 企業倫理課程導入服務學習成效評估
卷期 51
並列篇名 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Inducing Service-learning to Enterprise Ethics Courses
作者 邱桂珍
頁次 139-148
關鍵字 企業倫理課程學習成效服務學習Enterprise Ethicslearning effectivenessService-learning
出刊日期 202306




Colleges and universities generally offer “Enterprise Ethics” courses, mainly through the introduction of the theories and thinking of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign philosophers to speculate on common or special Enterprise Ethics issues in today’s corporate workplaces. However, most of the students have no employment experience in the workplace, and the basis for their in-depth thinking is abstract in class discussions or company visits. Therefore, can introducing service-learning into Enterprise Ethics courses allow students to visualize the topics discussed in class through the participation of service-learning, and help them think about and understand corporate ethics? The purpose of this paper is to explore the differences in the effectiveness of Enterprise Ethics learning with or without inducing service learning in Enterprise Ethics courses. By using the research method of static group comparison experiment design, the Enterprise Ethics courses offered in the same university are compared with the learning effects of whether service-learning is introduced. The results of the study show that the learning effectiveness of the Enterprise Ethics course with inducing service-learning is significantly higher than that of the group without inducing service- learning.
