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篇名 溝通式語言教學法與多國語言導覽助理機器人應用於英語導覽解說課程成效之探討
卷期 51
並列篇名 The Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching and the Multilingual Tour Guide Assistant Robot in Courses of English Guided Tour and Interpretation
作者 張德儀劉喜臨劉碧珍
頁次 115-138
關鍵字 英語導覽解說課程溝通式語言教學法(CLT)多國語言導覽助理機器人對照組實驗組Communication Language Teaching Method English guided tour and interpretive coursesa control groupa experimental groupmultilingual tour guide assistant robots
出刊日期 202306




Tour guides are a key factor in group visitor satisfaction, and their abilities influence visitors’ intention to revisit a destination. Therefore, the English departments or tourism departments of many colleges and universities have successively set up guided commentary courses, allowing students to receive training skill as capable English guides in advance during school. Therefore, this research adopts the communicative Language Teaching method (CLT), emphasizing the communication of language to assist students to learn English tour guide commentary, and then use the multilingual tour guide assistant robot developed by the Ministry of Science and Technology as a teaching aid to effectively enhance students’ learning of oral language skills. The samples of this study are 15 students from the University of Science and Technology, divided into a control group and an experimental group. The two groups received 18-week training in an English guided commentary. Through pre-test, post-test, and in-depth interviews, it is found that learners have different types of anxiety at different learning stages. Through communication learning methods and multilingual guide assistant robots, students’ learning anxiety can be effectively reduced, and learning motivation and efficiency can be improved.
