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篇名 治療師在元宇宙諮商的機會與挑戰
卷期 51
並列篇名 Opportunities and Challenges for Therapists in Metaverse Counseling
作者 王麗雯
頁次 097-114
關鍵字 網路諮商元宇宙諮商第三代網路諮商Online counselingMetaverse counselingWeb3 counseling
出刊日期 202306




Metaverse counseling is an emerging field with high potentiality. With the development of technology and the rise of the concept of metaverse, people will live, work and communicate in a virtual world. Mental health is still an important issue, so the possibility of a therapist offering counseling in the metaverse is growing. Based on the development and influence of metaverse counseling, this article article discusses the opportunities and challenges for therapists to provide counseling services in the metaverse. Since there is still a lack of academic papers on the cooperation between metaverse and psychological counseling, this article analyzes the related texts in the field of psychological counseling and metaverse to explore the opportunities of metaverse counseling, the challenges of metaverse counseling, and the ethics of metaverse counseling, to provide a pre-practice reference for psychotherapists who want to engage in metaverse counseling in the future.
