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篇名 台灣幼兒日語教育實施現狀之調查研究―以新竹某家幼兒園為例―
卷期 51
並列篇名 Survey of Early Childhood Japanese Language Education in Taiwan : Case Study of a Kindergarten in Hsinchu
作者 戶川美惠子
頁次 069-096
關鍵字 幼兒日語教育幼兒園現狀調查日語學習Early Childhood Japanese Language EducationEarly Childhood Education Institutions in TaiwanSurvey of Current StateLearning Japanese
出刊日期 202306




Although most Japanese language learners in Taiwan are students in higher education institutions and secondary schools, there are also a small number of young children. This paper investigates the current status of Japanese language education for young children, which is not yet common in Taiwan, and explores how it can be developed in the future. This paper is the result of a questionnaire survey of parents of young children and Japanese language teachers, conducted by visiting kindergartens offering Japanese language education in Hsinchu, where there are few educational institutions or supplementary schools offering Japanese language education for young children. The survey included the purpose of having children learn Japanese, children’s reactions to learning Japanese, teachers’ teaching methods, and problems they encountered. It was found that most parents of young children at the surveyed early childhood education institutions have their children learn Japanese for reasons such as “I want my child to learn multiple languages,” “multilingual learning is good for brain development,” and “I want my child to have international understanding and an interest in cross-cultural exchange. The results also showed that most of the young children were interested in Japanese. From the survey of teachers, it was found that they try to provide lessons in which the children enjoy learning Japanese and speak Japanese. Problems cited included the fact that young children have few opportunities to use Japanese outside the classroom, that there are few teaching materials for Japanese language education for young children, and that teachers’ teaching methods and attention to young children’s attitudes toward learning are overlooked. The development of teaching materials and the establishment of teaching methods suitable for early childhood Japanese language education in Taiwan may provide clues to solving these problems, but we will discuss these issues in the future.
