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篇名 《金瓶梅》中呈現的飲茶文化
卷期 51
並列篇名 Tea culture presented in Jin Ping Mei
作者 施拓全
頁次 031-046
關鍵字 金瓶梅茶文化明代茶文化Jin Ping Meitea culturetea culture in Ming dynasty
出刊日期 202306




The author and publication date of Jin Ping Mei have yet to bedetermined. However, mostscholars believe that the book was completed by Lanling-based Xiaoxiao Shengduring the reign of Emperor Wanliof the Ming dynasty.The book, centering on Ximen Qing and his family, is a literary masterpiece that reflects the reality of the Northern Song dynasty, includingthe politics, economy, and social culture. A literature review reveals that the book contains abundant tea-related content, demonstrating the features of tea culture in aspects of dining , leisure activities and etiquette, especially at thecommoner level. The book holds research value in terms of features of tea culture in the Song and Ming dynasties. Thepresent study used Jin Ping Meias the textual source for identifyingfeatures and etiquettes of tea drinking.“Features of tea drinking” focuses on the following topics: characteristics of tea products, main points of tea tasting, characteristics of tea sets, andtea serving rituals. “Etiquette of tea drinking”explores the following topics: tea drinking at home, serving guests with tea, meeting friends through tea, gifting tea,and tea ceremony as a wedding custom. This study aims to explore the teaculture and its epoch in Jin Ping Mei.
