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篇名 第三代當代新儒家劉述先的人文教育思想
卷期 51
並列篇名 The Humanistic Educational Thought of Liu Shuxian, a Third Generation Contemporary Representative of Neo-Confucianism
作者 黃文樹
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 劉述先第三代當代新儒家人文教育思想Liu ShuxianThird Generation Contemporary Neo-ConfucianismHumanistic Educational Thought
出刊日期 202306




Liu Shuxian is a representative figure of the third generation of contemporary Neo-Confucianism. He studied under the tutelage of Fang Dongmei and was influenced by Mou Zongsan. His subsequent academic thinking tends towards the path of “respect for virtue”. He has a strong Chinese and Western philosophical and cultural background, and in his lectures and writings, he has put forward a number of humanistic educational perspectives, which are summarized in this article into six points: First, he criticizes the academic community’s distortion of the humanistic discourse of traditional Confucianism; second, he emphasizes that Confucian moral and ethical doctrines can benefit modern society; third, he explains the contemporary Neo-Confucianism response to the lack of humanism; fourth, he reveals “self-awareness of virtue” to save the wandering mind; fifth, he calls for a humanistic and liberal approach to literature, history, and philosophy; and sixth, he emphasizes the principle of moral education that focuses on the preservation and expansion of inner conscience. These ideas are invaluable and worthy of reference for educators.
