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篇名 天龍八部的概念與群像
卷期 39
並列篇名 The Concept and Group Images of Tianlong Babu
作者 朱天舒
頁次 115-173
關鍵字 天龍八部摩睺羅伽緊那羅四川石窟敦煌石窟Tianlong BabuKinnaraMahoragaSichuan CavesDunhuang Caves
出刊日期 202303




Tianlong Babu (天龍八部, God and Dragon of Eight Types) is an unique and important subject of Buddhist art. It was prevalent in China during the Tang (618-907) and Five Dynasties (907-979). The extant images are mostly preserved in caves in Sichuan and Dunhuang. It is commonly described in the Buddhist texts translated into Chinese that the Indian deities are classified into eight types-deva, nāga, yakṣa, gandharva, asura, garuḍa, kinnara, and mahoraga. They are also referred to as Babuzong (八部眾) or Babu Guishen (八部鬼神). Accordingly, the image of Tianlong Babu was created as a group to represent all Buddhist protective deities as a whole. However, the image of the Tianlong Babu group is absent India, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia. It is a Chinese creation. In Hinduism today, there is no such concept that deities are consist of eight types. Indeed, what is the problem with the Tianlong Babu concept? What are the appearances and origins of the individual deities in Tianlong Babu? In the past, Japanese and Chinese scholars have done basic survey on Tianlong Babu group images and identified the deities in the group with the references of Buddhist texts. However, no one has paid attention to the eight-type classification and its Indian origin, as well as the huge gap among images, textual descriptions and their prototype in Indian art. In this paper, I propose that the Tianlong Babu concept is associated with the Kaśyapa legend and was transmitted into China around the end of the fourth and early fifth centuries with Buddhist text. Grouping Tianlong Babu together is a Chinese innovation. Iconographies of the deities in Tianlong Babu are very different from their Indian origins. They reflect the Chinese understanding and reinterpretations of the Indian deities. In addition, this paper also studies the iconography of each type of the deities in this group, the textual sources, and the possible counterparts in India and Central Asia.
