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篇名 焉耆明屋錫格沁寫經圖略識-兼談佛經譯寫與石窟功能
卷期 39
並列篇名 Identification of the scribal culture in the wall paintings from Šorčuk: with note of the function of Buddhist translation in cave temple
作者 崔中慧
頁次 087-113
關鍵字 焉耆佛經翻譯寫經圖高昌回鶻石窟ŠorčukBuddhist translationscribal cultureQocho UyghurBuddhist cave temple
出刊日期 202303




In the Stein collection of the British Museum, there is a group of mural fragments depicting a few Buddhist monks inscribing sutras inside caves. Ever since the fragments were discovered by Aural Stein from the Buddhist temple ruins in Šorčuk, Yanqi in Xinjiang, the meaning behind the paintings remained unexplored. In addition to the sutra transcribing scenes, the set of fragments shows a well-organized translation teamwork during the Qocho Uyghur period in the northern Tarim Basin. Based on the study of the murals, this paper explores the development of Buddhist translation activities from the Han-Jin to the Tang dynasty. Thus, the murals may reflect that during the Uyghur period, the Buddhist cave temples also serve as scribal workshops for sutras translation and transcription, which the works can then be further disseminated.
