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篇名 皇權下的聖道:日治後期中部地區的鸞堂網絡與時代適應——以《皇民奉公經附孝經》為中心
卷期 219
並列篇名 Confucianism under the Heavenly Sovereign’s Power: Phoenix Hall Networks and Adaptations in Central Taiwan during the Late Japanses Colonial Era— Centering on The Classics of Komin Hokokai and Filial Piety
作者 李偉呈
頁次 231-278
關鍵字 皇民奉公經附孝經鸞堂網絡中部地區時代適應The Classics of Komin Hokokai and Filial Pietyphoenix hall networkscentral Taiwanadaptation.THCITSSCI
出刊日期 202303


本文以成書、出版於1943 年的《皇民奉公經附孝經》為探討對象,討論該經典之內容、背景、流通模式及相關人士。並且以這些人為切入點,透過鸞堂資料及日記等材料理解其宗教網絡以及鸞堂系統,梳理出經書誕生的時代意義。  本研究發現,《皇民奉公經附孝經》內容雖符合戰時國家意識形態,但其內容仍有傳統漢文化的道德觀念及宗教思維,保持透過善書進行社會教化的功能。並且《皇民奉公經附孝經》的成書帶有漢文化保存、維繫鸞務的目的,可視為民間社會透過宗教文本自行配合當局政策的一種方式。  《皇民奉公經附孝經》中的相關人士身分多為地方菁英與鸞堂成員,其身分包含實業家、農主、公學校教師等職務。並且這些人多受過漢文教育薰陶。此外,《皇民奉公經附孝經》一書背後的宗教網絡及相關鸞堂為彰化三興堂系統下醒化堂體系,這些人多為醒化堂體系下鸞堂之成員,或相關鸞務參與者,其分布均集中在臺中、彰化、南投一帶。因此該經書背後所構成的人際網絡可視為中部地區鸞堂活動的縮影。本文認為,《皇民奉公經附孝經》的誕生可能是中部地區鸞堂成員、地方菁英在時局的壓力下,為了其宗教經營、事業維護及社會教化及漢文化保存等目標,透過合作及編纂,促成該書的誕生。


This paper takes the 1943 text entitled The Classics of Komin Hokokai and Filial Piety as its subject of discussion and explains the background of this work’s production in Taiwan during the waning years of the Japanese colonial era, its contents, and the individuals related to its history. I then utilize the relationships among these people as an entry point for understanding religious networks, phoenix hall (luantang) systems, and this work’s historical significance. My research indicates that while the contents of The Classics of Komin Hokokai and Filial Piety conform to the wartime ideology of the Japanese Empire, it also preserves moral concepts and religious thinking from traditional Chinese culture, including its goal of carrying out social education through morality books. Moreover, The Classics of Komin Hokokai and Filial Piety strove to preserve Chinese culture, maintain phoenix hall affairs and business operations, and serve as a way for local society to cooperate with the colonial government’s policies through religious texts. Individuals related to the publication of The Classics of Komin Hokokai and Filial Piety were mostly local elites and phoenix hall members from a wide variety of professions (industrialists, farmers, teachers, etc.) who had received traditional Chinese education and could practice spirit writing. The data in this paper reveal that the religious background behind the phoenix halls responsible for producing The Classics of Komin Hokokai and Filial Piety featured the Xinghua Temple system from the Sanxing Temple network. Most of the people in this network were members of phoenix halls belonging to the Xinghua Temple system or participants in related activities organized in Taichung City, Changhua County, and Nantou County. Therefore, The Classics of Komin Hokokai and Filial Piety is a work produced by phoenix halls in the central Taiwan region, and can be regarded as a microcosm of their activities during the late colonial era. In addition, these people belonged to the same organizations in business management, daily life, and religious activities. On the whole, despite considerable pressures at that time, phoenix hall members and local elites still endeavored to sustain their religious careers, promote social education, and preserve Chinese culture through cooperation and the compilation of The Classics of Komin Hokokai and Filial Piety.
