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篇名 刺激與調和:初探日本飲食中的「辣」
卷期 219
並列篇名 Harmonized and Stimulated:Karami in Modern Japanese Food Culture
作者 陳建源
頁次 069-116
關鍵字 辛味刺激與調和日本飲食感官karamispicy foodJapanese foodwayssensesTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202303




Definitions of spicy food can vary based on how people in different cultures experience sensations. For example, the Japanese may consider chilies, garlic, and wasabi to be spicy, but in Korean dietary culture garlic viewed as not spicy but slightly stinky. Therefore, the Japanese sense of karami (taste of spicy food) constitutes an intriguing concept to explore. This article utilizes harmony and stimulation as two key concepts to explore Japanese karami culture. The Japanese have developed a distinct strategy to “harmonize the stimulated” and thus incorporate spicy foods into Japan’s washoku tradition. This study explores how Japanese society deals with stimulus foods (particularly chilies) and how karami is sensed and observed in Japanese popular writing and mass media. Also, taking mapo tofu (Chinese spicy tofu) as one example, this paper analyzes how the Japanese food industry has supported karami culture and transformed this spicy food into a Japanized dish.
