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篇名 可食與不可食的分類建構:以荖葉飲食與食安為例
卷期 219
並列篇名 Constructing Classifications of Edible and Inedible: An Example Featuring Piper betle Diet and Food Safety
作者 張育銓
頁次 011-068
關鍵字 荖葉飲食人類學食安治理可食與不可食Piper betleanthropology of foodfood safety governanceedible and inedibleTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202303




In traditional anthropological dietary research, the classification of edible and inedible is often compared to cultural understandings, such as nature and culture, raw and cooked, purity and danger, etc. Under the current situation of multi-cultural blending, rapid population flow, and mixed diets, the construction of diet classifications now faces public sector taking food safety and legislation as new criteria, daily life tastes, traditional wisdom about diet, research and development of innovative ingredients, creation of environmental sustainability, etc., as well as how these factors generate impetus for continued adaptations in response to food safety governance. This article takes Piper betle diet as the object of analysis in considering these issues. In the history of eating Piper betle with betel nut, a simple crop has been classified as a harmful addiction and carcinogen by the public sector and medical institutions, while also becoming a trend in health care and environment-friendly food and agriculture, developing into an emerging ingredient, and functioning as a medicinal material in the application of biotechnology ingredients. This article explores how people use Piper betle in the contexts of tradition and innovation along with factors of classification construction to form a response to food safety governance.
