
電子商務學報 TSSCI

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篇名 直播贈禮動機量表發展與驗證
卷期 24:2
並列篇名 Creating a Scale to Measure Motivation to Give Gift in Live Streaming
作者 楊運秀汪志堅何英嫚
頁次 111-144
關鍵字 直播平台贈禮動機動機量表量表發展Live streaminggifting motivationsmotivation scalescale developmentTSSCI
出刊日期 202212
DOI 10.6188/JEB.202212_24(2).0001




The development of live stream on the Internet as a social media has drawn a lot of attention recently, but empirical study in this area has been limited by lack of conceptualization and effective scales. We aimed to develop a scale of gifting motivation in live streaming, to serve as the basis of further behavioral research. We followed the three steps in scale development: itemization, theoretical analysis and empirical survey analysis, to obtain a 12-item scale to measure gifting motivation in the four dimensions in the live streaming context: getting attention, following the crowd, getting rewards, and supporting the streamer. We used Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix (MTMM) approach to validate the scale. Based on the four empirical surveys, we argue that the proposal measurement scale is appropriate with acceptable reliability and validity for future researches to adopt in behavioral research of live streaming.
