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篇名 消逝、轉化與再生產:以日本鹿兒島南薩摩林家媽祖信仰文化為例
卷期 218
並列篇名 Fadeaway, Transformation and Reproduction: A Case Study of Mazu Belief Culture in South Satsuma Kagoshima, Japan
作者 劉智豪
頁次 161-187
關鍵字 媽祖日本南薩摩文化資產轉化MazuJapanSouthern Satsumacultural heritagetransformationTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202212




After Mazu belief culture was introduced to Japan during the Ming and Qing dynasties, local communities produced their own understandings as a result of the influence of Japanese politics, economy, and culture. During the early modern era, the Mazu belief culture of Southern Satsuma, Kagoshima spread throughout Japan via war and trade, developing and expanding rapidly because of economic and political factors, but later gradually declining because of the government’s “closed door” policy. Later, the Meiji government’s nationalist policies seriously impacted Mazu belief culture, which transformed into a family god cult. Therefore, the Mazu belief culture of Southern Satsuma has taken on very different forms during various time periods, and has recently changed from local government intangible cultural heritage to a representative of tangible cultural heritage for promoting traditional local culture.
