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篇名 OCR與機器學習在檔案內容辨識之初探
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 The Initial Exploration of OCR and Machine Learning in Archival Content Identification
作者 蔣佳蓉戴芳伶許尹馨
頁次 064-087
關鍵字 光學辨識技術機器學習內容辨識optical character recognition machine-learningcontent identification
出刊日期 202212




National Archives Administration, National Development Council (hereinafter referred as NAA) has been acquiring and digitizing national archives since its establishment. And NAA is looking forward to make use of the above results for remote services and researches to utilize various added values. Currently, users are able to search national archives catalog via Archive Access service and use archival images. Still, NAA would like to provide more content services by trying out new information technologies. Thus, this research combed the development and implements of current optical character recognition (OCR) technologies to explore possibilities to uncover more archival content.
