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篇名 國家檔案加值型網站應用之研究-以美國與英國為例
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 Research on Applications of Archival Record Value-added Websites - Case Studies of the United States and the United Kingdom
作者 李亞祝
頁次 040-063
關鍵字 加值型網站國家檔案檔案管理value-added websitesarchival recordsarchives management
出刊日期 202212




Archives, libraries, and museums are three pillars of the knowledge network in advanced countries. Since the pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019 occurred last May in Taiwan, students and history researchers have increasing needs to implement online systems and websites of the National Archives Administration, National Development Council. Moreover, the first National Archives facility has been under construction since April 2021 and is scheduled to hold its grand opening in 2025. As a result, it is an urgent task to improve and beautify value-added websites of archival records running for years in the NAA. The research takes similar website operations from archival records management authorities in the United States (USA), the United Kingdom (UK), and Taiwan as case studies to compare and analyze perspectives holistically from archive research mechanism, e-newsletters, and exhibition introduction, to educational resources. Finally, suggestions about improving individual value-added websites slightly and integrating them collaboratively were provided. This paper tends to provide dynamic principles and practical strategies in assisting the NAA in fulfilling the organizational goal of sharpening value-added applications on archival records.
