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篇名 英國國家檔案館組織改隸後公共品牌再造計畫
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 e Public Rebrands Program on the National Archives of the UK after Organization Change
作者 莊道明
頁次 028-039
關鍵字 人人檔案館公共品牌品牌再造政府組織改造個案研究Archives for Everyonepublic brandrebrandinggovernment reorganizationscase study
出刊日期 202212




Under the trends of global development and competition, the countries of the world implemented government reorganizations and brand strategies to elevate national competitiveness and government service quality. Among the national archives, the National Archives of the United Kingdom was the first one to implement a rebranding project in 2019. This research adopted the case study method to analyze the rebranding project of the National Archives to explore the background, characteristics, goals, and contents of the “Archives for Everyone”, the National Archives’ rebranding strategy.
