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篇名 武丁時期人物「子商」史跡疏證
卷期 69
並列篇名 A Historical Exegesis of the Shang Personage “Zi Shang” of the Wu Ding Period (c. late 13th cent. BCE)
作者 張惟捷
頁次 225-273
關鍵字 子商卜辭殷商史甲骨學家譜刻辭Zi Shangoracle-bone inscriptionsYin Shang historyOracle Bone Sciencegenealogy inscriptionsTHCITSCI
出刊日期 202206
DOI 10.6253/ntuhistory.202206_(69).0005




The reconstruction of a life history is an extremely important subject of research in the field of archaic scripts and history. Despite of the lack of archaic historical documents, the discovery of materials with archaic scripts offer some limited data. Focusing on an important person Zi Shang, I trace him to certain historical events. Examination of related oracle-bone inscriptions reveals that Zi Shang was quite active in the mid-period of Wu Ding reign (ca. late 13th cent. BCE). He participated in a major battle, and some academic clues allow the arrangement of his pedigree. Concerning other facets of his life, several precious documents are also extant. Furthermore, his “Rank Calling ‘Zi 子’” reveals the connection between him and his relatives. Stored in England, the archaic “Er Family Pedigree” has links with Zi Shang, which also need to be clarified. This article examines these questions, considered together.
