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篇名 論民間習俗與民間文學的相互滲透-以金門楊黃宛口述民間文學為例
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 On the Mutual Penetration of Folk Customs and Folk Literature - Take Quemoy Yang Huang-wan's Oral Folk Literature as An Example
作者 劉國棋
頁次 057-073
關鍵字 楊黃宛民間文學民間習俗相互滲透Yang Huang-wanFolk literatureFolk customInterconneceddness
出刊日期 202210




Based on the author's master's degree thesis, “Traditional Bearer of Quemoy Folk Literature Yang Huang-wan dictation works to research”, this paper finds that Folk customs and Folk literature are not independent existence and should not be studied separately in the course of the continuous investigation of Yang Huang-wan, the inheritor of Quemoy Folk literature. Yang Huang-wan is a high-quality inheritor who carries rich Folk literature works, but also has rich folk knowledge, is also an active practitioner of Folk customs, worthy of the author's continuous research object. As far as Yang Huang-wan, a high-quality folklore inheritor, is concerned, she carries the knowledge framework belonging to her own group, and has in her mind the life images of local people, things, places and things, and constructs the indelible collective memory of the Quemoy people. Through such visits and records, it is the best text to understand the local Folk customs of Quemoy. By this paper, the author discusses the interconnectedness of Folk literature and Folk customs.
