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篇名 提升身心科病人下肢肌力與平衡能力之改善專案
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Improving Muscular Strength of Lower Extremity and Balance Function among Psychiatric Patients
作者 鄭繡媖連雅棻黃惠滿
頁次 043-056
關鍵字 身心科病人肌力平衡跌倒Psychiatric patientsMuscle strengthBalanceFall
出刊日期 202210




There is a high incidence of accidental falls due to multiple interactive factors among psychiatric patients. Neurological side-effects with psychiatric medications, symptoms of psychiatric diseases, ageing restrict physical activity, deterioration of muscle strength and balance function, all result in increased risk-of-falls. As the incidence of falls showed a year-on-year increase in our psychiatric ward, the main cause was discovered to be the patients’ instability of the gait. In 2016, patients’ average muscle strength of lower extremity was 11.07 by a 30-second sit-ups measure, while the average seconds of one-leg balance standing in left leg was 26 seconds and in right leg 25.54 seconds. Five causes resulted in this situation: lack of educational training courses in nurses/attendants, lack of training manuals for new staffs, lack of reinforcement for patients to participate in activities, lack of exercise model for patients, and lack of regular physical-activity for patients. Therefore, a project was implemented to enhance patients’ muscle strength and balance function, including conducting educational training courses for nurses/attendants, establishing and revising training manuals for new staffs, creating multimedia materials, developing exercise model based on muscle strength and balance training, arranging regular physical-activity for patients, and providing reinforcement when patients participating in activities. After the project, in 2017, patients’ average muscle strength of lower extremity was 11.87 by the 30-second sit-ups measure, while the average seconds of one-leg balance standing in left leg was 38.21seconds and in right leg 38.54 seconds. Consequently, it resulted in decreased incidence of falls. It is expected that this project could provide a reference to improve the muscle strength/balance of lower extremity and prevent falls for psychiatric patients.
