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篇名 社群媒體行銷策略對旅客報名成效影響之研究-以旅遊業為例
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Study on the Impact of Social Media Marketing Strategy on Traveler Engagement Effect - The Case of Tourism Industry
作者 彭朝民
頁次 017-042
關鍵字 社群媒體行銷策略報名成效旅遊業者Social MediaMarketing StrategyEngagement EffectTourism Industry
出刊日期 202210




Social media was caught by the eyes of target users by sharing, reposting the information to their own social groups, and this helped social media become a crucial marketing and promotion tool for tourism industry. Albeit the sustainability of tourism industry could be promoted by social media, it still a question whether social media could be the effective approach to improve the registration of travel itinerary with various marketing strategies. The research purposes therefore were as follows: to understand the cognition of consumers in how marketing strategy of social media affected to the registration of travel itinerary, and to search for the effects of marketing strategy of social media on the registration of travel itinerary. The consumers who have registered the travel itinerary from tourism companies were the examinees, and there were 163 shares of returned questionnaire out of 172 shares of delivered questionnaire by simple sampling through the Internet. To eliminate 12 shares of invalid questionnaire, there were 151 shares of effective returned questionnaires, and the effective returned ratios were 92.64%. The results were as follows: 1. the highest means were the promotion of tourism company by using social media. 2. Consumers were moderate agreed with the effects of marketing strategy of social media on the improvement of the registration of travel itinerary. 3. There were significant differences between different backgrounds in the structures of marketing strategy of social media. 4. There were significant differences between different backgrounds in the effects of the registration of travel itinerary. 5. The registration of travel itinerary was significantly positive affected by the product and promotion strategies of marketing strategy of social media.
