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篇名 國立金門大學體育課程興趣選項與教學滿意度之研究
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Course Options and Student Satisfaction with Teaching at the Physical Education Curriculum in National Quemoy University
作者 李志仁翁玉貞林本源
頁次 01-016
關鍵字 量表體育態度體育教師ScaleAttitude toward Physical EducationPhysical Education Teacher
出刊日期 202210




This study aimed to understand student satisfaction with PE teacher’s teaching during the period before distance teaching was conducted, that is, from the first week to the twelfth week of 2020 academic year, and to explore the trend of students’ choices on the PE curriculum in the subsequent 2021 academic year. The questionnaire used in this study was designed by the authors, including three dimensions:professional ability, teacher-student interaction, and teaching literacy. The research objects were the undergraduate students studying in day or night school of National Quemoy University and attending a specific group of physical education class in the second semester of 2020 academic year. There was a total of 910 male and female participants, and a total of 216 Google questionnaires were received. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test and one-way analysis of variance. The research results are as follows. First, the difference in the total scores of teaching satisfaction on the PE class in the semester among students of various grades did not reach the significance level (t = 0.978). Second, the difference in the total scores of teaching satisfaction on the PE class in the semester among students of different colleges and different departments did not reach the significance level. Third, the difference in the total scores of teaching satisfaction on the PE class in the semester among students of different genders did not reach the significance level (t = -1.495). Fourth, the hypothesis that students who are more satisfied with teaching of the PE teacher will prefer to attend PE class was supported. These variables were modestly correlated. Fifth, four groups of PE class are suggested to be conducted in the 2021 academic year, including Group 1. Water Sports: diving, lifeguard certification training, stand-up paddling, canoeing, Group 2. Balls: badminton, volleyball, basketball, Group 3: Leisure and Fitness: core sports, weight training, TRX or aerial yoga, and Group 4: Martial Art, Shooting and Kung Fu:air pistol shooting, paintball shooting, judo.
