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篇名 排灣族平織技藝民族誌:以平和(Piyuma)部落及古樓(Kuljaljau)部落為中心
卷期 217
並列篇名 Ethnography of Paiwan Plain Weaving with a Special Emphasis on That of the Piyuma and the Kuljaljau Tribes
作者 余明旂張至善
頁次 105-159
關鍵字 排灣族織布祭儀平織水平背帶式織布機Paiwan peopleweaving ritualplain eeavingback-strap loomTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202209




This article discusses Paiwan weaving, with particular emphasis on the techniques and patterns of “plain weaving.” The discussion begins with the legends and taboos of the origin of Paiwan weaving, and documents the revival of weaving rituals of the Piyuma tribe. It describes the production process of ramie fiber, the weaving tools, methods, and weaving patterns in an attempt to present the contemporary revival of Paiwan weaving, and to explore its contemporary significance. Fieldwork was conducted to discern the weaver’s life experience and transcribe her oral knowledge to apprehend the cultural connotations of weaving. The main informant is Ms. Hsu Chun-mei (Ljumiyang in Paiwanese), a weaver from the Kuljaljau village. Hsu Chun-mei’s knowledge of weaving techniques largely relies on her father ’s childhood memory of watching his mother and grandmother weaving. Through gradual fumbling, she re-discovers the traditional culture that Paiwan women are proud of. This paper also records the long-discontinued Piyuma weaving ritual re-enacted in 2020. It documents the ritual process and ritual language in detail, and discusses the meaning of Paiwan plain weaving pattern. The purpose of this article is to enhance the understanding of contemporary Paiwan weaving.
