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篇名 解構美容醫學之法律關係
卷期 26:4
並列篇名 Deconstruction of the Legal Relationship of Cosmetic Medicine
作者 吳振吉
頁次 448-454
關鍵字 美容醫學醫療行為告知說明義務消費者保護法醫療廣告cosmetic medicinemedical behaviorobligation to informconsumer protection actmedical advertisementTSCI
出刊日期 202207
DOI 10.6320/FJM.202207_26(4).0009




The essence of cosmetic medical behavior is similar to general medical behavior, but due to its non-necessity, non-urgency, and commercial-profit nature, it is fundamentally different from general medical behavior. Therefore, legal scholars and practitioners usually propose that the determination of legal responsibility for cosmetic medical behaviors should be more stringent than that of general medical behaviors. Specifically, in the field of criminal law, physicians engaged in cosmetic medicine will be subject to a strict obligation to inform and explain. Physicians must make no concealment and reservations about the risks, side effects, failure rates and failure results of cosmetic medicine. If the obligation to explain is not properly fulfilled, the patient consent will be invalid, and the physician will be convicted of negligent injury; In the field of civil law, the cosmetic medical behaviors performed may be subject to the Consumer Protection Act, and physicians may be charged with no-fault compensation for damages, or their medical payments are deemed to be a hire of work contract, and they may be charged with no-fault defect repair liability; In the field of administrative law, in addition to being regulated by the Medical Care Act, medical advertisements conducted by medical institutions engaged in cosmetic medicine may also be subject to Article 22 of the Consumer Protection Act to fulfill the legal responsibility for the content of advertisements.
