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篇名 遷臺初期臺灣對沿海島嶼的防禦策略調整(1950-1955)
卷期 21:1
並列篇名 Adjustment of Taiwan's Outer Islands Defense Strategy (1950-1955)
作者 許峰源
頁次 028-043
關鍵字 外島大陳島金門臺海危機中美共同防禦條約Outer IslandsDachen IslandKinmenTaiwan Strait CrisisSino-US Mutual Defense Treaty
出刊日期 202206




In 1951, the Republic of China and the United States signed the “Mutual Defense and Mutual Assistance Agreement.” According to regulations, the United States provided military assistance to Taiwan and Penghu, but did not include military defenses on the outer islands. In 1953, the People's Republic of China sent troops to the southeast coast and approached the outskirts of Dachen Islands. With the frequency of cross-strait conflicts, the weak points of the defense of the outer islands of the national army have gradually been highlighted. Taiwan hopes to seek US assistance to strengthen military facilities on Dachen Islands, or to dispatch the Seventh Fleet to patrol the southeastern waters, but to no avail. In September 1954, when the conflict between the two sides of the strait in the waters near Dachen Islands was fierce, the CCP suddenly shifted its focus and shelled Kinmen, setting off the first Taiwan Strait crisis. After many internal discussions, the United States finally decided to adopt a negative strategy, which is to prepare to submit the Taiwan Strait crisis to the United Nations for arbitration by the Security Council. Taiwan wants to use its veto power in the United Nations Security Council under the basic national policy of non-contradiction between Chinese and thieves. However, it finally considered that it must seek assistance from the United States. Instead, it gave up and tried to sign the Sino-US Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States. Obtain US assistance to strengthen the military defense of the outer islands. In January 1955, the CCP again targeted Dachen Islands. Under fierce artillery fire, a country fell and Dachen Islands was even more precarious. In February, Taiwan, on the proposal of the United States, evacuated the military and civilians from Dachen Islands. Previously, only Kinmen and Matsu were left on the outer islands.
