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篇名 國家檔案黏著劑劣化調查及動物膠移除之可行性初探
卷期 21:1
並列篇名 The Adhesives Deterioration and Removable Feasibility Inquiry for Archives in the Case of Animal Glues
作者 陳淑美陳郁琳
頁次 004-027
關鍵字 檔案修護紙質文物動物膠黏著劑archive restorationpaper materialsanimal gluesadhesives
出刊日期 202206




If improper adhesives had been used in handling archives, paper materials may gradually turn yellowish, hardened or fragile, leading to unexpected deterioration in the process of preservation. This would directly or indirectly hamper the long-term preservation of the paper archives. This research includes three areas of discussion: documentary review, sample survey, and removal tests. Through realizing the conditions of deteriorated adhesives in national archives, the authors intend to shed light on the conditions, quantities and ratios of the different adhesives used. Meanwhile, animal glues are chosen for conducting in-depth research in order to find out better means of archive repair or handling. We hope to identify proper ways of using or removing animal glues. In sum, our goal is to help enhance the professional expertise and capability of the National Archives Administration in preservation and repair, increase the chance of preserving paper archives, and reduce the risks of failing to recover damaged archives.
