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篇名 上海報刊中的寧波崑班演出記錄查考(1898–1915)
卷期 216
並列篇名 An Inquiry into the Records of Ningbo Kunqu Troupes’ Performances in Shanghai Newspapers (1898–1915)
作者 蔣瑜娟
頁次 201-254
關鍵字 甬崑崑曲徐雲標上海小報Ningbo Kunqu TroupesKunquShanghai tabloidTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202206




The Ningbo Kunqu Troupes had made several tours to Shanghai theaters during the Guangxu reign and early Repubican years. Their influence on the tranmission of Kunqu is significant. However, regarding their performance dates, locations, repertoires and audience responses, very little is known for certain. Extant documentation mostly came from audience’s accounts and interviews with senior artists. They are often inaccurate. Fortunately, articles and theater advertisements from Late Qing entertainment tabloids help supply some missing information. I have combed through the “Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers Database (1833–1911)” as well as Shen Bao newspaper database for relevant entries. The search yields tracks of the Ningbo Kunqu Troupes’ tours to Shanghai. Apparently, there had been 8 tours from 1899 to 1915, in which individual troupes collaborated by joining their casts. Famous actors, such as Xu Yunbiao appeared in a number of these productions. The Ningbo Kunqu Troupes’ performances in Shanghai concluded at Xinkaining Theater in 1915. Critical reviews of these productions did not appear in newspapers until 20 years later. The Ningbo Kunqu Troupes in contemporary Shanghai literati’s reminiscence are actually Kunqu Troupes that had assimilated Yiyang style (also called Kunyi opera). For some sophisticated opera fans in Shanghai who were accustomed to genuine Suzhou dialect, the Ningbo actors’ heavy accent sounded funny. Nevertheless, the audience continued to favor the performances. The tours constitute a part of Kunqu history that is very special and yet very obscure.
