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篇名 運用多準則決策模式探討影響遊樂園佈置因子及最適佈置的評估流程
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 Investigating the Major Impact Factors of Amusement Park Layout and Procedures in Achieving Feasible Layout Using Analytic Hierarchy Process
作者 張秉裕李筱筠王品涵王姿雅
頁次 085-110
關鍵字 遊樂園層級分析法佈置Amusement parkAHPLayout
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.6572/JHT.202112_18(2).0004


近年來,國人越形重視休閒,也常利用周休二日與家人至戶外踏青或是遊樂園遊玩。而在台灣,不同的遊樂園皆透過不同的促銷活動吸引民眾前來,也使得遊樂園間的競爭日益增加。以新竹以北的三個遊樂園為例,台北的兒童新樂園是唯一由政府營運的遊樂園,也是三個遊樂園中土地面積和營收最少的園區。由歷史數據發現,兒童新樂園的來園人數也呈現停滯的狀況,此狀況也導致營收呈現赤字的結果。而文獻中顯示,遊樂園的佈置對於來園人數有決定性的影響,因此,本研究透過層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)確認影響兒童新樂園佈置的關鍵因子,並透過關鍵因子的權重提出改善佈置的策略以提高新樂園來園人數與民眾再訪的比例。本研究的結果顯示,熱門的設施擺放的位置以及排隊動線的設計是民眾再訪兒童新樂園最主要考量的兩個因子。再訪的比例增加也有益於正向口碑的增加而提高兒童新樂園的來園人數。本研究也提出佈置改善的流程建議,以期能有效的改善現今兒童新樂園的狀況,提高樂園的效益。


In recent years, leisure travel such as hiking, camping, and visiting amusement park has drew attentions by compatriots. In Taiwan, different amusement parks use various promotions to attract visitors which also increase competitions among amusement parks. For example, there are three amusement parks in northern Taiwan and promotions associated with festivals are always implemented in these three parks. Furthermore, Taipei children amusement park is the only public amusement park in northern Taiwan and promotions such as Halloween festival and Children's day are applied to attract more visitors. Although promotions are applied to attract more visitors, Taipei children amusement park is facing deficit and losing visitors in these years. The reason of this phenomenon might be the impact of layout which is also identified through literature reviews. Hence, this research adapts Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to identify the key factors that have impact on the layout design. This research also provides the procedure to obtain feasible layout of the amusement park. The results show that the location of popular facilities and queueing line design are two most important factors in designing amusement park layout.
