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篇名 社群打卡熱點:從遊客打卡行為探討目的地的吸引力與意象
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 The Hotspots of Social Media Check-in: Exploring the Destination Attractiveness and Image from Tourists' Check-in Behavior
作者 李育陞蔡昀儒林若慧
頁次 053-084
關鍵字 目的地行銷社群媒體目的地吸引力目的地意象Destination marketingSocial mediaDestination attractionDestination image
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.6572/JHT.202112_18(2).0003




Social media check-in behavior of tourists showing the popularity of the tourism destination, as well as destination attractions and images. This study uses Alishan National Scenic Area as the case to analyze highlight resources provided by destination management organization and 360 photos uploaded by tourists. This study found that the photos uploaded by tourists fully display the attraction of the destination. Research conclusions include: The hotspots of Alishan includes: (1) Natural attractions: tea gardens, forests, sea of clouds and sunrise view; (2) Cultural attractions: railroads, indigenous culture, and architecture (ex: temples, train stations, tea factories). (3) Special forms of attractions: Man-made landscapes, activities and experiences etc. The image of Alishan from the perspective of tourists includes: natural image based on mountains and ecology; cultural image such as indigenous people, ceremonies, and architecture. In addition, special attractions such as installation art and romantic atmosphere are the new image attractions of Alishan discovered in this research. The results of this research verify the theory of destination attraction and destination image, and also provide suggestions for destination management organizations to utilize information on social media as a destination marketing tool.
