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篇名 旅遊會話資本之建構-屏東城市論壇策展之個案研究
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 Developing Tourism Conversational Capital-A Case Study of the Pingtung City Forum
作者 傅大煜張幼霖曾裕琇
頁次 027-052
關鍵字 目的地意象地方依附會話資本新冠疫情Destination imagePlace attachmentConversational capitalCOVID-19
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.6572/JHT.202112_18(2).0002




This study attempts to take the theoretical basis of destination image, place attachment, knowledge management, conversational capital as the preliminary research of developing the theoretical basis of tourism conversational capital with case study. This is a case study of the exhibition planning process of Pingtung 2020 "Traveling, Acting and telling about Pingtung" project through participatory observation and interview. It is found that the establishment of regional tourism conversational capital is rooted in the unique attraction of regional tourism and the special emotion and attachment of local people, and then forms the unique tourism charm and attraction, which is transformed into a touching and valuable virtual asset.
