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篇名 前作綠肥翻耕和敷蓋處理對有機甘藷田雜草相與農藝性狀及產量之影響
卷期 42:2
並列篇名 Effects of green manure tillage and mulch treatment on weed flora, agronomic characters and yield on sweet potato
作者 陳彥丞侯金日
頁次 063-090
關鍵字 綠肥敷蓋甘藷雜草相雜草管理農藝性狀產量green manuremulchsweet potatoweed floraweed managementagronomic traitsyieldTSCI
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC.202112_42(2).0003




In this research, sweet potato varieties TNG 57 and TNG 66 were used as research materials. They were planted in the certified organic farmland of Yunlin Shuilin Township in 2018 and 2019.The research is to find that the effect of green manure tillage and mulching with organic materials on weed flora, agronomic characters and yield of sweet potatoes. Green soybean, Sun hemp, Sesbania were used as green manure tillage materials, control group was without green manure treatment; rice straw, peanut hulls and rice husk were used as mulch materials, control group was once hand weeding (without mulching treatment). The result showed that weed density and weed dry weight of once hand weeding were both significantly higher than mulching groups after planting 20 days; mulching with rice straw had the lowest weed density and weed dry weight after planting between 20 to 80 days; weed density and weed dry weight were at the peak after planting 80 days; mulching with peanut hulls had the lowest weed density and weed dry weight after planting 140 days, the green manure tillage had no significant effect on the number of weed in the field. In the part of weed flora, there were four common types of weed in the flied: (Chenopodium serotinum Linn), ( Physalis angulate L.), (Cyperus rotundus L. var. quinoyensis L. Dai), (Solanum nigrum Linn.). In the part of agronomic characteristics and yield, mulching with peanut hulls had significant effect on tuberous root total weight/plant and tuberous root yield/plot, green manure soybean had well effect on tuberous root number and tuberous root yield/plot, green manure tillage and mulching treatments both had no significant effect on weevil damage. According to the result, using green manure soybean before planting sweet potato TNG 57and mulching with peanut hulls have the best effect on performance of sweet potato.
