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篇名 使用高通量分子標誌進行燕麥臺大選一號之遺傳鑑定
卷期 42:2
並列篇名 Using high-throughput molecular markers for the genetic identification of oat cultivar N.T.U. Sel. No.1
作者 黃永芬
頁次 051-062
關鍵字 燕麥燕麥臺大選一號Oat N.T. U. Sel. No. 1Infinium iSelect BeadChipTSCI
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC.202112_42(2).0002


燕麥臺大選一號為1970年代透過單株選拔引進種原所得之燕麥品系,惟其譜系及真實遺傳身分至今未知。為進行燕麥臺大選一號之遺傳鑑定,本研究透過燕麥專屬之高通量分子標誌平台,Oat 6K custom Infinium iSelect BeadChip,針對3個不同來源的燕麥臺大選一號及3個臺灣燕麥種原進行單一核苷酸多型性 (Singlenucleotide polymorphism, SNP)基因型分型,並與資料庫中之兩組共1625燕麥品系之基因型資料進行比對。本研究所使用的3個不同來源的燕麥臺大選一號在3081或3085個SNP之基因型相同程度高達0.997至0.999,因而確定3個來源的燕麥臺大選一號的一致性。而代表世界栽培燕麥多樣性之1625燕麥品系中,與燕麥臺大選一號之遺傳組成最接近之品系的SNP基因型相同程度僅達0.79。奠基於我們對於1625品系間遺傳組成的認知,我們可確定燕麥臺大選一號之真實身分不存在於此1625個具有全球栽培燕麥多樣性代表性的品系中。燕麥參考序列與更多新興燕麥基因體工具將於近期陸續推出,因此,未來應有潛力持續進行燕麥臺大選一號之遺傳鑑定。


Oat cultivar N.T.U. Sel. No.1 was an oat line obtained by single-plant purification from introduced germplasm. However, its pedigree and genetic identity was unknown. The aim of this study was to perform genetic identification of oat cultivar N.T.U. Sel. No.1 using an oat-specific high-throughput molecular marker platform, Oat 6K custom Infinium iSelect BeadChip. We have performed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping on three different sources of N.T.U. Sel. No.1 and three other oat accessions from Taiwan and compared the genotypic data with that of 1625 oat lines from the database. The results showed that the three different sources of N.T.U. Sel. No.1 were identical at 0.997 to 0.999 of 3081 or 3085 SNP genotypic scores. Therefore, we confirmed the consistent identity across the three sources of N.T.U. Sel. No.1. On the other hand, from the 1625 oat lines representing the world diversity of cultivated oat, the highest identity to N.T.U. Sel. No.1 was only 0.79. Based on our knowledge on the relationship between the 1625 oat accessions, we confirmed that N.T.U. Sel. No.1 was none of the 1625 oat accessions. The reference genome and novel oat genomic tools will be released for oat in coming future; therefore, we should be able to pursue the genetic identification of N.T.U. Sel. No.1.
