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篇名 應用細胞學方法進行台灣藜染色體之分析
卷期 42:2
並列篇名 Chromosome analysis of Chenopodium formosaum Kodiz by cytogenetical method
作者 李若瑋林資哲
頁次 043-050
關鍵字 台灣藜細胞學有絲分裂指數染色體Chenopodium formosanum Koidzcytologymitotic indexchromosomeTSCI
出刊日期 202112
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC.202112_42(2).0001


台灣藜(Chenopodium formosanum Koidz.)為臺灣原生之特有作物,常分布於臺灣南部之屏東及臺東之原住民部落,穗色繽紛常做為原住民裝飾用材,亦可用於葉菜、小米酒等食物之添加物或作為驅蟲劑。藜屬植物之種類繁多,且分類、演化及遺傳背景相當複雜,至目前為止已知的藜屬植物依染色體組組成的不同,可分為2x=18之二倍體、4x=36之四倍體及6x=54之六倍體物種,常見的白藜(C. album)及藜麥(C. quinoa)則被研究出,染色體組成分別為6x=54及4x=36,且由非單一基因組形成,證明藜屬植物在遺傳上的複雜性。而台灣藜由於栽培歷史悠久,鮮少有文獻紀載其遺傳背景且其為近年新興作物,是值得深入之研究。本研究分別以25℃、30℃及35℃之發芽溫度,檢測台灣藜有絲分裂指數(mitotic index),並以具最佳有絲分裂指數之溫度進行台灣藜染色體觀察,建立最佳觀察流程。結果顯示,以35℃發芽可得到最佳之細胞分裂指數,並能順利觀察到台灣藜之染色體。


Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum Koidz.) is a native species which distributed in aboriginal tribes of Pingtung and Taitung, south Taiwan. Djulis often used for decoration because of its colorfully color. It also used as vegetable and rice wine for food additives or being insect repellent. The genus of Chenopodium are complex in their genetic backgrounds. The Chenopodium could be classified to three types, 2x=18, 4x=36 and 6x=54, depending on their chromosome numbers. Moreover, C. album and C. quinoa were studied by many scientists and their chromosome numbers are 6x=54 and 4x=36, respectively. Also, both were not contained by a single genome, and this result proved the complexity of Chenopodium. The cultivate history of djulis showed that its genetic background was rarely recorded. Thus, it is a newly crop which is worth to study. In this study, first we used 25℃, 30℃ and 35℃ for germination to find the best mitotic index of djulis. Second, we used the best germination temperature for chromosome observation and established the most suitable cytological process of djulis. In results, the germination temperature of 35℃ showed the best mitotic index. Based on the result, this study successfully established the most suitable chromosome observation process of Chenopodium formosanum Koidz..
