
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Peripheral Complex Odontoma: A Case Report and Review of Differences between Central and Peripheral Types
卷期 42:2
作者 Saede Atarbashi‑MoghadamAli LotfiFazele Atarbashi‑MoghadamMohamadsajad ShabanipoorSepideh Mokhtari
頁次 091-094
關鍵字 PeripheralodontogenicneoplasmodontomaMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202204
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_360_20



Peripheral odontogenic neoplasms have similarities with other peripheral tumoral and nontumoral lesions. It is difficult to obtain proper diagnosis clinically and it is mostly based on the histopathologic features. Moreover, differential diagnosis of oral lesions differs between children and adults, and as a result, reports of such cases help better diagnose the lesions in this age group. Peripheral odontoma (PO), unlike central types, is uncommon. However, they have the same features as their intraosseous counterparts histopathologically. Here, we report the case of PO in a pediatric patient which was present from his infancy.

