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篇名 金門文化創意產業初探與展望
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 A Preliminary Study on the Cultural and Creative Industries in Kinmen
作者 黃茱珺
頁次 117-139
關鍵字 金門文化創意產業創意城市KinmenCultural and creative industryCreative city
出刊日期 202203




The cultural and creative industries areregarded as an important index of cultural “soft power”. The study used culture statistics to make an inventory of cultural and creative resources in Kinmen Country, attempted to create a database of them, and summarized the current development of culturual and creative industries in Kinmen. The study found that Kinmen already has the foundation for the development of cultural and creative industries. Pop music and cultural content, craft industry, advertising industry, and architectural design are in the growth stage. Product design, risual communication design, and design brand fashion are in the bud stage. Kinmen governments need to promote the formulation of cultural industry policies and assist the development of creative industries domestic and foreign markets. Jinchen Township is the political and economic center of Kinmen, not only provides the stage for creative design, also shows diversified vitality and creativity in this four blocks (Juguang Rd., Zhongxing Rd., Zhupu N. Rd., Minquan Rd.). The study proposes that Jinchen Township has strong external mobility and provides talents, technology, capital and resources, and the characteristics of developing cultural creativity; the other towns have abundant cultural assests and allusions, which can be used as an element of upstream culture to connect Kinmen into a complete cultural and creative industries chain.
