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篇名 行動裝置NFC技術應用之使用意向模型
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 Intention Model of Using NFC Technology in Mobile Devices
作者 馮玄明陳華慶陳尚維
頁次 101-116
關鍵字 近距離無線通訊科技接受模型計畫行為模式偏最小平方法Short-Range Wireless CommunicationTechnology Acceptance ModelPlanned Behavior ModelPartial Least Square Method
出刊日期 202203




This research is based on the people who have used the NFC application of smart phones in the Kinmen area, based on the technology acceptance model theory (TAM), supplemented by the rational behavior model (TRA) and the planned behavior theory (TPB), to summarize trust, Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived convenience, key majority, perceived risk, behavior, attitude, and intention to use multiple related aspects, analyze the causal relationship that affects the intention to use NFC. Through the statistical analysis of 550 valid questionnaires, 14 out of the 16 hypotheses put forward by this research are supported, while 2 items such as "H9: Perceived Usefulness Behavior and Attitude" and "H10: Perceived Usefulness Behavior and Attitude" are not supported. It is explained that the two hypotheses are not significant for the ease of use and usefulness of mobile device NFC technology applications, but the behavior and attitude of users are not significant, but they will not affect consumers' actual use intentions for mobile device NFC technology applications.
