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篇名 公務人員跨職系任用限制之研究-以金門地區為中心
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 Study on the Limitation of Cross Class Series Employment of Civil Servants - Centered on Kinmen County
作者 李瑞生柯景耀
頁次 081-100
關鍵字 職系跨職系任用金門地區公務人員Class SeriesCross Class Series EmploymentCivil Servants of Kinmen County
出刊日期 202203


我國公務人員人事制度發展,主要為人品制及職位分類制合併而來,前者是以人為中心的官位制度,而後者是以事為中心的專業化分工,兩制度的合併使我國公務人員制度有科層的指揮效率,也具有專業化的效能。原則上公務人員所任職務應設有官等(Rank)及職系(Class Series),以代表其官位及專業。金門地區因為地理位置歷史背景與機關編制小職缺少,在中央統一規範的公務人員制度中,完全遵守職系任用是否窒礙難行?應否增加用人彈性,即是本研究探究的核心問題。本研究採行文獻分析法及深度訪談法。研究發現,目前政策以行政通才、技術專才為方向整併職組及職系,以利機關用人彈性;金門地區職缺少覓才不易,似難完全遵守職系任用制度。研究建議,簡任10職等以上主官(管)職務得在各職系間調任,大學應開設行政類科學分班方便公務人員進修,公務人員亦得以參加國家考試取得考試科目成績之方式認定其職系專長;建議主管機關將全國各機關職務歸系情形及學系、學科名稱職系專長認定標準等,公告於網站並定期更新,以利適用。


The development of Civil Service Personnel System in Taiwan is derived from Rank System, a human-centered bureaucratic hierarchy system, and Position Classification System, a job-centered specialization division system. The Civil Service System of Taiwan adopts the virtues of these two systems which contribute to the hierarchically directing efficiency and professionalized effectiveness. The duty of general civil servants includes both “Rank” and “Class Series” representing hierarchical position and profession. Under the consistent regulation of National Civil Service System, Kinmen, considering its specific historical background, geographical location and small agency establishment with fewer vacancies, should apply a more flexible way to recruit and transfer civil servants? This study aims at investigating the necessity of flexible and adaptable Civil Service Personnel Recruitment System Kinmen should develop. This study adopts Document Analysis and In-Depth Interviews as a Qualitative Research Method. The result of data analysis showed that the general direction of current national Civil Servant Policy is to recruit administrative generalist and technical specialist to merge Group of Position and Class Series so that the government organizations could recruit personnel flexibly. Due to small agency establishment with fewer vacancies, Kinmen County Government is difficult to recruit right officer. The study findings suggest professional and technical personnel who transfer to Civil Service System should be positioned based on educational background and working experience, Senior Grade 10 or above may be transferred among various class series; Universities should set up administrative science divisions to facilitate the further study of civil servants; Civil servants are also able to take the national examinations and obtain examination subject scores to recognize their class series expertise; referring to Civil Service Groups and Series List.
