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篇名 陸客金門自由行安全管理之研究
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 A Study on Security Management of Chinese Self-Guided Tour in Kinmen
作者 江念慈廖婧羽卓正中
頁次 051-080
關鍵字 陸客金門自由行安全管理Mainland China TouristsKinmen Self-Guided TourSecurity Management
出刊日期 202203




Due to globalization, the interaction between countries becomes more and more frequent. In despite of huge economic benefits brought by globalization, it also results in relevant impacts and problems. Especially for those countries with relatively low population or low level of urbanization, globalization has greater impacts. The purpose of this study was to discover impacts on security management after opening self-guided tour (FIT) of Chinese tourists in Kinmen. The results revealed the impacts on: Firstly, public security: (a) criminal patterns changed by Chinese tourists to avoid investigations; (b) illegal activities covered by legal entry due to imperfect examination; (c) prostitution and fraud occurred. Secondly, politics and law: (a) lack of comprehensive consideration; (b) dilemma of finding balance between security management, economic development and the maintenance of human rights. Thirdly, practice: lack of workforce and profession needed to be resolved. Based on its conclusion, this study proposed suggestions and specific measures.
