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篇名 金門電信用戶流失與品牌忠誠度預測應用
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 Kinmen Telecom User Churn and Brand Loyalty Prediction Application
作者 馮玄明陳華慶鄭承彥
頁次 033-050
關鍵字 資料探勘類神經網路多層感知機Data MiningArtificial Neural NetworkMultilayer Perceptron
出刊日期 202203




As Taiwan’s telecommunications user market is becoming saturated and the competition is fierce, various telecommunications companies have worked hard to promote preferential programs in pursuit of increasing the number of users, and provide preferential renewal programs to avoid the loss of old users with code transfer. Users establish a good relationship to ensure user loyalty. The purpose of this research is to establish a telecommunication user churn prediction model. The research object is users in Kinmen who use mobile communication network services. It is hoped to explore the influencing factors of telecommunication user churn, and to analyze and understand the telecommunication user churn rate and mobile phone brand through the research model. The causality of loyalty. This study will build a prediction model of telecommunications user churn and mobile phone brand loyalty based on a neural network. The experimental analysis uses a multi-layer perceptron method to analyze and compare, to explore the prediction of the churn of telecommunications users and mobile phone brand loyalty among people in Kinmen. Happening. Through the analysis of the multi-layer perceptron method, the results found that: 1. The churn rate of telecommunications users in Kinmen area was 8.2%, and the accuracy rate of the churn prediction model reached 92.1%; 2. The mobile phone brand loyalty ratio of users in Kinmen area was 10.46%, and the mobile phone brand loyalty prediction model reached 89.4; 3. The accuracy rate of the analysis model combining the two variables of churn and mobile phone brand loyalty reached 90.8%; the prediction results of this study have been experimentally proved that the accuracy rate of the prediction model of this study is more than 90%, which is suitable for user churn and mobile phone brand loyalty. Mobile phone brand loyalty prediction.
