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篇名 影響國小教師工作滿意度之前置因素研究
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 The Study on the Antecedents of Elementary School Teachers’ Job Satisfaction
作者 葉子明朱貴鳳
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 工作壓力人格特質工作價值觀工作滿意度Work stressPersonality traitsWork valuesJob satisfaction
出刊日期 202203




Over the past decade, education in Taiwan has undergone rapid changes, and teachers have been under increasing pressure. Due to the crisis of a declining birthrate, improving the competitive advantage of schools has become an important consideration in the running of schools. Schools must therefore pay attention to teachers' job satisfaction so that teachers can work hard to ensure the sustainability of the school. If school administrators can arrange work that is suitable for each teacher by considering each teacher's work stress, personality traits, and work values, the quality of instruction and development of the school will be enhanced, thereby increasing teachers' job satisfaction. The present study investigates the effects of work stress, personality traits, and work values on elementary school teachers' job satisfaction. A total of 435 valid questionnaires were collected from elementary school teachers in Kaohsiung City. The results showed that there is a significant negative correlation between work stress and job satisfaction. Regarding personality traits, there is a significant negative correlation between neuroticism and job satisfaction. Agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, and openness to experience have a significant positive correlation to job satisfaction. There is also a significant positive correlation between work values and job satisfaction. Regarding work stress, students' behavior and teachers’ professional competence have a significant negative effect on job satisfaction. With regard to work values, intellectual stimulation, achievement and prestige, organizational security, and altruism have a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. In a comparison of the variables of work stress, personality traits, and work values, work values have the largest impact on job satisfaction.
