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篇名 《檔案法》與《政府資訊公開法》之競合:司法實務的見解
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 The Concurrence of Laws between Archives Act and e Freedom of Government Information Law: Opinions of Judicial Practice
作者 張文彬
頁次 090-103
關鍵字 檔案法政府資訊公開法法規競合知的權利行政程序法Archives ActThe Freedom of Government Information LawConcurrence of lawsright to knowAdministrative Procedure Act
出刊日期 202112




When people apply for government information from government agencies, they often face the problem of concurrence of laws between Archives Act and The Freedom of Government Information Law. Because the two laws form a boundary that is difficult to demarcate in practical operation, many disputes have arisen, affecting administrative efficiency ultimately. In order to provide a set of reasonable judgment standards for government agencies, this article collects different opinions on the practice of judicial judgments, extracts the key points of concurrence of two laws, and quotes the basic theories of administrative law, such as the principle of administration according to law, the principle of proportionality, and the principle of public welfare, discusses the reasons for the opinions of judicial practice, and attempts to seek reasonable judgment standards from different opinions of judicial practice to provide the government with discretion. Hoping to take account of the right to know of the people, national security, official secrets, personal privacy protection, and the administrative efficiency of government agencies to avoid subsequent disputes.
