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篇名 戰後阿里山森林鐵路的營運(1945-1949)
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 Operation of Alishan Forest Railway aer the Second World War,1945-1949
作者 許峰源
頁次 056-073
關鍵字 阿里山森林鐵路阿里山森林火車阿里山林場嘉義林業國家檔案Alishan Forest RailwayAlishan Forest TrainAlishan Forest FarmChiayi Forestrynational archives
出刊日期 202112




In the early days of Japanese rule, in order to develop the forest resources of Alishan, the Governor-General of Taiwan built the Alishan Forest Railway in the lofty mountains, exported high-value wood, and launched the brilliant achievements of Alishan forestry development. As Alishan's logging business continues to flourish, train routes continue to be extended, driving the rise of surrounding stations, cities, and the development of Chiayi's industries. After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the resources of various places in Taiwan had to be invested in the battlefield, and the forest railway was gradually unable to take the development into account, especially after the entire Chiayi area was bombed by the Allied forces, the transportation function of the forest railway was also forced to stagnate. After the Second World War, the Office of the Chief Executive of Taiwan Province took over Taiwan, and the operation of the Alishan Forest Railway must be restored to further develop the Alishan forest resources. After the establishment of the Taiwan Provincial Government, the Forestry Administration of the Agriculture and Forestry Department was established to take over all forest farms in Taiwan. The Forestry Administration has set up Alishan Forest Farm to be responsible for the development of Alishan forestry and the operation of the forest railway. Alishan Forest Farm handles forest train passenger and freight services and promulgates a number of regulations, and these regulations are officially kept in the National Archives Administration. This article is to sort out National Archives and explore the operational deeds of Alishan Forest Railway.
