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篇名 地方政府檔案鑑選作業——以宜蘭縣政府檔案為例
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 Local Government Archives Appraisal: Yilan County Government Records as a Case Study
作者 廖英杰
頁次 042-055
關鍵字 檔案鑑定宜蘭縣地方史archives appraisalYilan Countylocal history
出刊日期 202112




Local history is an integral part of history at the national level. The primary objective of the Institute of Yilan County History (IOYCH) established by Yilan County Government is to preserve the historical documents and records of Yilan. Based on its responsibility of preserving local historical materials, the IOYCH is in charge of the appraisal of the Yilan County Government archives. This article takes the Yilan County government records appraisal and selection as an example. The practical experience of the IOYCH is used to demonstrate the standards and guidelines, operating procedures, personnel training, major difficulties, and directions of future possible development for local government archives appraisal.
