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篇名 我國各行業及職業類別之人員工作滿意度與留職意願關係之研究
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 Research on the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and the Intention to Stay in Various Industrial and Occupational Categories in Taiwan
作者 郭迦約鄭曜忠
頁次 097-120
關鍵字 工作滿意度留職意願行業類別職業類別Job satisfactionIntention to stayEconomic Activitiesoccupation
出刊日期 202110




This research aimed to investigate the relationship between employee job satisfaction and the intention to stay in various industrial and occupational categories between 2016 and 2017, using data from the “Survey on Workers’ Living and Employment Conditions” conducted by the Ministry of Labor in 2016 and 2017 for analysis. Results showed that 1) The majority of laborers were female and around half of them held a college degree or above; 2) There was a significant difference in the job satisfaction of some occupational categories between 2016 and 2017, which “Legislators and Senior Officials and Managers” as well as “Elementary Laborers” showed more satisfaction on their jobs over the year 2017. ; 3) We also saw an identical result in some industrial categories, which “Construction and Engineering”, “Transportation and Warehousing”, “Human Health and Social Work Activities”, “Arts, Entertainment and Recreation”, and “Others” showed more job satisfaction in 2017 than in 2016 in terms of promotion, work content, direct supervision, as well as wage and benefits; 4) Intention to stay in the occupation variable in these two years showed no significant differences, while there was a significant difference in the industry variable of “Construction and Engineering”, “Real Estate, Rental and Leasing”, “Education”, and “Human Health and Social Work Activities”; 5) In these two years, it showed significant differences in job satisfaction between workers who have the intention to stay and who have the intention to change jobs, which represented that the previous one were more satisfied with their jobs. Lastly, concrete suggestions will be provided for authorities, employers, and future studies.
