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篇名 台灣近年若干重大食品安全司法判決評析
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 Judgment Analysis of Several Major Taiwan’s Food Safety Cases in Recent Years
作者 李忠穎
頁次 075-096
關鍵字 食品安全食品監管判決評析Food safetyFood-safety supervisionJudgment analysis
出刊日期 202110




Recently, there were many major food safety incidents in Taiwan, which shows serious problem with the government's food safety supervision department. In addition, those food safety issues are not just a matter of weak law enforcement, but also a big problem in judicial field. Since the judiciary is the last barrier to fairness and justice, when the judiciary neglected to perform duties, even the best lawmakers cannot help. Through reviewing and analyzing several typical food safety judgments in Taiwan, this article tries to point out some loopholes of them. Justice is the last hope of our people. If the judiciary cannot effectively guarantee fairness and justice, it will eventually lead to collapse of society and people's beliefs.
